Radio station bans Madonna after she said she wanted to blow up the White House – good!

Radio station bans Madonna after she said she wanted to blow up the White House – good! January 26, 2017

You just HAVE to love Texas.  Recently, “the Material Girl” Madonna said she was so upset by the new Presidency of Donald Trump that she wanted to blow up the White House.  (Pause for one moment and imagine if a celeb had said that about their messiah figure Barack Obama.)

Well, that backfired big time in Texas:

Texarkana’s Hits 105 posted a message on its Facebook page alerting its listeners that they’re dumping the Material Girl’s songs “indefinitely” due to comments they found rather immaterial to being a pop star.

General Manager Terry Thomas released a statement explaining why Madonna’s tracks will no longer be among their 50 minutes of commercial-free hits from the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s: “Banning all Madonna songs at HITS 105 is not a matter of politics, it’s a matter of patriotism. It just feels wrong to us to be playing Madonna songs and paying her royalties when the artist has shown un-American sentiments. If all stations playing Madonna took their lead from us, that would send a powerful economic message to Madonna.”

Specifically, the station referenced Madonna’s “f-bombs” during her Women’s March on Washington speech last Saturday and this line that’s generated plenty of controversy: “Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”

Yeah, that sounds over the line to me.

Anyway, I LOVE seeing people fighting back against the Left’s insanity…  even if it’s just one radio station at a time.

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