Dakota told me the gender of our baby, and I didn’t believe him at first!

Dakota told me the gender of our baby, and I didn’t believe him at first! March 2, 2017

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We just found out the gender of our baby…. and it’s a girl!!

Honestly, it was a shock.  I tried to not find out the gender.  But when we went to the appointment, Dakota didn’t want to wait.  It’s really hard for one parent to know a big secret like that and the other to not know.  Of course.

Over the Super Bowl weekend, everyone was messing with me… telling me it was a boy!!

I’ve always thought I’d have a boy since day one, so I was not hard to convince.  After all the teasing, I finally caved.  I had to know…

“Tell me.”

“It’s a girl!” he said and my jaw dropped!!! I couldn’t believe it.  In fact, I didn’t believe it. Guess how he eventually convinced me that it was true?  He showed me all his Etsy baby girl items he’d been secretly buying for our daughter.

Then, I knew it was true.

A girl!!

Click HERE for a picture of me beginning my last trimester!

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