Stranded Houston Grandparents Call Chick-Fil-A to Order a Burrito (With Extra Egg) and a Boat

Stranded Houston Grandparents Call Chick-Fil-A to Order a Burrito (With Extra Egg) and a Boat August 31, 2017

You’ve undoubtedly seen the photo of a grandparents on jetskis being rescued from their house? Here’s the rescue photo of the Grandfather:

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And here’s the super cute photo of the grandmother:

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Here’s the “rest of the story,” and it may be my favorite one out of Houston, because it deals with one of my favorite restaurants too!

It’s a photo that shows a light-hearted moment during the rescue operations in Houston: a grandmother sitting on a Jet Ski under her front door with quite the expression on her face.

Karen Spencer said it was one part “oh well, here we go!,” one part “happy to be alive” and two parts, “I can’t believe I’m leaving my flooded house in a Jet Ski.”

She and her husband are hoping to find the mystery Jet Ski-operators to say thank you. Without them, they would have had to leave many of their possessions behind.

The Spencers, who live in the Ponderosa subdivision of north Houston, told ABC News that the first couple of days of Harvey were not bad for them. On Monday, though, their home began quickly filling with water.

Karen’s husband, J.C., called their local Chick-fil-A, where they are regulars. He placed an order for two grilled chicken burritos, with extra egg, and a boat. The manager there called her husband, who has a boat.

When help arrived, the Spencers were forced to choose which possessions they wanted to bring with them in the boat. That is, until their Jet Ski heroes showed up and offered to transport the Spencers, freeing up space in the boat.

In the photo of the grandmother’s rescue, do you see that red tufted couch in their living room?  It had floated in from a different area in the house?  Yikes!

After that dramatic rescue, Mr. Spencer went back to the house to find his wedding ring.  “I couldn’t save my house but I have to save my marriage,” he said.  How cute are they?

This is enough to restore you hope in America — and yes, in Chick-Fil-A.

Watch the video below:

Image Credit: Screen cap

Hat tip: ABC New Channel 7

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