Could Free Humus Leads to Peace in the Middle East? Israeli Restaurant Makes ‘Chickpeace’ Offer to Jews and Arabs Who Dine Together

Could Free Humus Leads to Peace in the Middle East? Israeli Restaurant Makes ‘Chickpeace’ Offer to Jews and Arabs Who Dine Together October 26, 2015

Jewish and Arab people have been at war in the Middle East for thousands of years.  People are dying daily. Palestinian terrorists launch attacks from schools, playgrounds, and hospitals. Innocent Jews have been executed in front of their young children.

But this Israeli restaurant is trying to do something about it.  They are giving discounts for Jews and Arabs sitting together.

The Blaze has more:

Amid several weeks of renewed deadly violence in Israel, one Israeli restaurant is getting props for encouraging coexistence by offering half off for Jews and Arabs who eat together at the same table.

The restaurant, Humus Bar, near the coastal city of Netanya, first made the offer earlier this month, but drew international attention this week after a Times of Israel article about the unusual deal.

A message posted on the restaurant’s Facebook page states: “Scared of Arabs? Scared of Jews?”

“By us we don’t have Arabs! But we also don’t have Jews… By us we’ve got human beings!” it reads. “And real excellent Arab hummus! And great Jewish falafel! And a free refill for every serving of hummus, whether you’re Arab, Jewish, Christian, Indian, etc.”

“Special discount: 50% discount on hummus dishes for a table where Jews and Arabs are sitting together!”

I know, I know.  This is perhaps just a marketing gimmick that won’t result in true and lasting justice. But while we pray about saving lives and stopping terror, it’s nice to see a restaurant owner doing what he can to promote at least a conversation.

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