Honorable Mention: Bishop Gene & Hope

Honorable Mention: Bishop Gene & Hope December 11, 2012

The Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire, Gene Robinson, was on The Daily Show last night.  In case you missed it, here’s the first part of the interview:


A few of his statements that stood out to me:

“Even and especially people of faith are seeing that there is a way forward on this gay marriage issue.”

“We’re seeing this tipping point in American culture and in religious denominations.”

“Evangelicals are finding that their young people, who have gay and lesbian friends, are leaving them because what they are saying about LGBT people is just not true.”

“Where love is, God is also.”

“[Jesus] knew about families of choice, and so do LGBT people.”

I appreciate hearing the Bishop’s words of hope, because I’m a little nervous about the Supreme Court’s recent announcement that it will hear cases on the Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8 next year.  I admit that I’m skeptical that federal law on gay marriage will shift in the direction of equality with these justices on the bench.

I hope I’m wrong.

In the meantime, if you haven’t already seen it, find and watch the new award-winning documentary on Bishop Gene Robinson, Love Free or Die.


Author note:  Honorable Mention’ is a recurring feature on this blog … a quick mention/shout-out to someone or something worth noting.


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