I will keep writing regardless of how many read me.

I will keep writing regardless of how many read me. September 9, 2022

With the start of fall comes a new season of schooling for students and new shows for the avid TV watcher. Perhaps it is another chance and opportunity to refresh writing goals and dreams. And that is what I would like to do writing wise in the fall of 2022. Write more concrete blog posts with meaning and depth. There are many other bloggers, youtubers, musicmakers, podcasters and others who probably have the same thoughts that I do. Who are they writing for and who is reading or watching or listening to them?

With all the writers writing right now, the chances of all of them coming out on top is pretty slim. So I have come to the realization and acceptance that I will probably never be a top 10 blogger at the height of popularity with people going over my thoughts in their head as they go about their day. I can’t even get my friends or wife to read my blog posts. This is not pessimistic or negative blog post but a realistic truth we as writers must all come to grips with. And even if I was on top of the world, how long would I stay there? How many popular author’s books end up in the discount bin at Barnes and Noble or in a used book store? How many e-book authors works of great prose and poetry go un-looked at on the kindle store at Amazon? Does William Shakespeare really care where he is in eternity if another high school drama class is doing Romeo and Juliet?

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

When we die we probably won’t care one way or another who is reading us or not. Well maybe if what we wrote helps them to love God or neighbor more we might reap the rewards. Or the opposite is true. If we caused others to not love God or neighbor more, we might feel the burn in one or two places.

Regardless of if 10 or 10,000 people read my words and thoughts, I will keep on writing on the Patheos platform that has been given to me as long as it is available for me to do so. I suggest that others keep on writing if that is your passion, gift, and dream. Write for God. Write for yourself and the few or many readers that will digest your work.  You might touch 1 person or many.

I hope to write more movie, book, music and TV reviews.

The problem with doing that is having the time and energy output to do it. I work at the nursing home and come home and then of course I have to spend time with my lovely wife. She doesn’t like the same stuff I want to watch and comment on. Plus I just want to come home and not think at the end of the day assembling deserts, serving food and washing dishes. Even if I do manage to get something put down on cyber paper, I sometimes lack to will power to properly read through it and make the proper edits.

I also have the insistent urge  to look on social media to see the latest interesting things being posted. I also want to know who either liked me or didn’t. I mostly get no love on Twitter. Some on facebook. Once in awhile I get a comment on one of my blog posts. If I ever resurrect my video making skills I wonder how Youtube would receive me. Whatever. I will continue to make an attempt to watch more shows, more movies and read books so I have something concrete to write about. And then I will attempt to actually write. A year from now I wonder how many of these dreams will go on to fruitful reality. Perhaps I’ll be dead a year from now.

I will probably continue to write on other topics as well. Comments on news, history and intriguing articles I find by other eager bloggers like myself who also want an audience. I would like to have more guest posts. I want others to join me in producing good quality thought provoking, funny, intriguing and interesting blog posts here at The Catholic Bard. I will probably continue to draft blog posts full of memorable quotes as that is somewhat easy to do. It requires work but not as much cognitive thinking as concentrating on a single topic with lots of details. And I will sometimes write about writing. I am an expert on why I can’t write. My wife says that is a cop out. She also says my blog posts are too long and I quote too many others. Which is why I will end this here with no real quotes other then the pic with a quote.

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