May 10, 2017

Let's imagine Packer never wrote his classic. Read more

April 27, 2017

Los Angeles, CA - According to a local news source in Los Angeles, CA, several witnesses claim to have spotted Bill Nye “The Science Guy” in a dumpster. When someone approached him to see if everything was OK, he told them he was just looking for his “next scientific thesis.” Read more

April 18, 2017

I find it puzzling that this topic is still up for debate, yet the sentiments of many Western Christians is that you can love Jesus without loving the church. Verbose arguments abound on the church not being confined to a building – that all spaces are sacred and therefore, filled with divine presence. The well-worn argument that the church does not consist of the physical space you occupy while worshipping God, but instead the body of believers, contains just enough... Read more

April 14, 2017

I seem to recall a prophecy in the bible that says, 'His podcasts shall outnumber the grains of sand.' Someone told me that verse is in Leviticus; that's a book of bible, right?" Read more

April 12, 2017

CHICAGO, IL - In less than 48 hours after a video went viral depicting a man being dragged off a plane, United Airlines is making efforts to repair their damaged public image. This morning they announced plans to fire current CEO, Oscar Munoz, and hire former Cracker Barrel waitress, Brad's wife. Brad's wife rose to fame on the internet after she wrongly fired from Cracker Barrel earlier this year. Read more

April 11, 2017

Like it or not, God’s will for your life is that you would suffer. In various capacities, one may sense relief, anger, frustration, concern, and a host of other emotions that one ought to wrestle with as they come to grips with the reality of death, sickness, pain, trials, and the onslaught of unjust actions in humanity. It is right and proper for Christians and non-Christians alike to deliberate over and develop convictions on these things. However, far too often... Read more

April 6, 2017

The new film Gifted (2017) plays up our love for, and fascination with, brilliant, sassy kids, as well as our disdain for overbearing parents. It is, at core, a moral exploration of the challenges of parenting, namely, what should a parent want for a child? Complicating the situation is that the usual decision-makers for the child, her biological parents, are either dead or completely out of the picture, and there are two adults competing to answer that question with, or maybe for, her. Read more

April 4, 2017

As humans, we spend the better part of our lives seeking happiness. We search for it in pretty much all that we do; we seek it in relationships, jobs, social media, Netflix, pets, games, sports, shopping and more. Notable theologian John Piper has even coined the phrase “Christian Hedonism,” explaining that even Christians are motivated by their pursuit of their happiness. It might not be an overstatement to say that humans are happiness junkies. Read more

March 31, 2017

If we’re to avoid not just evil, but the appearance of evil, where do we draw the line? And how do we know what appears evil to other people? Read more

March 29, 2017

There has been much work done on the New Testament’s view and use of the Old Testament, with good reason. Many of the historical claims of the Old Testament have been contested (e.g. a historical Adam, the Noahic flood, the Exodus) and so theologians have turned to the New Testament to show that Christ and His apostles viewed these Old Testament events as historical. In addition, many Christians are unsure about the relevance of the Old Testament for today, either... Read more

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