5 Great Ideas for “God’s Not Dead 3”

5 Great Ideas for “God’s Not Dead 3” August 16, 2016


If you’ve read this site for awhile, you’re likely aware that, despite my interest in films about faith, the “God’s Not Dead” films and I are not on the best terms. I called the first movie dangerous and offensive. And while I thought this year’s “God’s Not Dead 2” was a tad gentler, it still didn’t work for me.

But there was  improvement! And maybe, I thought, the series could continue to get better over future films. Alas, despite a post-credit tease that hinted at a third entry, the next step in the “God’s Not Dead” saga is unclear. The film disappointed critics (again) and it grossed only a third of what the first did. But I don’t think writer-director Harold Cronk needs to give up. All he needs is a fresh idea, some new tunes from the Newsboys and an open slot in David A.R. White’s schedule. And there’s no better time to start thinking than today, with the Blu-Ray release of “God’s Not Dead 2.” So, with that in mind, here are some can’t-miss ideas for a third entry in the “God’s Not Dead” franchise that he can feel free to use.

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