October 1, 2014

It is perhaps true that I never loved you “like that,” whatever “that” means, but you should never take that to mean I did not or that I do not, love you. You and I crossed lives during times spent, in a cultural that drove a stake so deep in my heart I thought I’d never cry enough to empty the well of tears – I still haven’t. In the midst of all that, at the moment the wounds were... Read more

September 29, 2014

I love you. I really do. There you sat in our living room last night, (a place you have sat on other nights I should add), while I bounced back in forth between wanting to jump up and down screaming with delight seeing what you’ve become, and wanting to hang on your every word. You know so much, but more than that, you’ve developed such wisdom – wisdom, not just experience in a particular, (and very useful for this day... Read more

September 27, 2014

Some days are hard to open up so I thought I’d pick someone easy to love today. Really, it is so easy to love you and there are good reasons for that. Your generosity of heart is just the place to start. It is enormous and it inspires me and it gives me hope. In big things and little you listen carefully to the universe and ask “what am I supposed to give today.” I’m sure that’s how you look... Read more

September 25, 2014

I am a lucky man. We’ve known each other our whole lives. There isn’t a time I know of that you weren’t in my life and that is a great thing. I love you for so many reasons – the way you spent hours and hours staring at the spider’s web in the Summer House at Toby when you were 5 and when you were 50. Your curiosity reminds me every day that there is more to this bewildering universe... Read more

September 25, 2014

Every day is getting better. Each day we sing and its like the rhythms of creation are tuning us to one another. You know that our breathing starts to sync when we sing together. Brain waves settle in too. It’s more than a metaphor but it’s that too. We harmonize which I’m learning means that we are playing off the same scale. The root of the music between us is the same, it is the ways we play with that... Read more

September 23, 2014

A friend challenged me to write 90 love letters in 90 days. I’ve written them to my wife, to my grandchildren, co-workers, doctors, even to Robert Muller, (yeah, I know, it surprised me too). I heard some news about your future plans and this seems like the kairos for me to tell you how much I love you and more importantly (so the words have some depth and meaning) why. This is a love letter that marks and celebrates a... Read more

September 22, 2014

We’ve never met; you’ve heard of me and I’ve heard of you, but even without the requisite personal contact, it turns out I love you. I’m not kidding, I’m crazy about you. I’m hoping now that Michael clued you in, so you know this isn’t a creepy love letter from some sort of secret or not so secret admirer who wants something from you.  It’s not about wanting something from you, it’s more about wanting to give something to you,... Read more

September 20, 2014

We’ve been at this a while – loving one another as Christ has loved you. When I think of where we began . . . how could we have known that such love would grow from there, that so much of our lives would be woven together? The love I have for you sweetheart runs deep; it’s the love that grows over years of living, of facing life’s challenges, its awful challenges, and embracing its dearest joys. How I want... Read more

September 20, 2014

You are positively delicious, electrifying, and I love you. The passion within you stirs the passion in anyone who gets close enough to be lit up. Just look at your son, my God, what you see there is the result of sustained time in your presence. He doesn’t just live life, he wraps both arms around it and screams, “What’s next!” as though no moment of this gorgeous life should be wasted. Who do we suppose drew that out of... Read more

September 19, 2014

Dear Robert, This is a spiritual exercise so I thought I’d try and expand my horizons, see if I can open my heart to someone I might not immediately be drawn to. I heard you speak tonight at the Marin Speakers Series. We wanted to hear from the guy who “transformed the FBI” after 9/11. I didn’t know what to expect, but you know what, I think I grew to love you. I mean really, in order to have done... Read more

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