Excellent Christian Academic Material (Free) on ITUNES-U

Excellent Christian Academic Material (Free) on ITUNES-U March 29, 2008

So, if you have a long commute/walk to work (as I do) you are always looking for something to listen to on the way – especially anything free.  Well, a couple of days ago I stumbled on a goldmine – itunes-University.  If you have itunes (either for Mac or PC; free downloadable program to listen to music), you can click on the iTunes store and find the itunes-U icon on the top left.  What is it?  Several universities have uploaded lectures, classes, chapel messages, university info, special seminars, colloquials, conference recordings, etc.. – and they are almost all free (everything I have looked at has been free).  Though the university selection so far is not massive, it includes: Depaul, Duke, MIT, Northeastern U, Stanford, Texas A & M, UC-Berkeley, Stanford, Vanderbilt, and Yale (among others).  Topics include politics, history, business, literature, media, law, philosophy, art, and religion (and more).

For those of you interested in biblical studies, there are some great downloads. I recommend:

-The Carmichael-Walling Lectures from Abilene Christian University which includes lectures by Abraham Malherbe, Wayne Meeks, and Margaret Mitchell.

– The Kenneth W. Clark Lectures from Duke which include a two-part series from Dale Allison Jr. on The Historical Jesus and the Theological Jesus.

– A NT Colloquium from Fuller Theological Seminary which includes lectures by Robert Morgan on ‘Jesus in NT Theology’

-A series of lectures from Reformed Theological Seminary by D.A. Caron on the ‘New Perspective on Paul’

On a more ‘pastoral’ level, I have also enjoyed some material from Seattle Pacific University which includes discussions on biblical ethics from Richards Hays, an engagement on modern Christianity in a ‘post-Christian world’ by William Willimon, and numerous talks on Scripture (and Jesus, experience, church) by Robert Wall.  Duke has chapel messages, some by OT scholar Ellen Davis, others by theologian Stanley Hauerwas.

Did I mention all of this is free?

If others have found good stuff on iTunes U related to NT/biblical studies, please let me know and I will announce it here (and probably download it for myself!).

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