This Book Will Change Your Life – UBSNT- Reader’s Ed.

This Book Will Change Your Life – UBSNT- Reader’s Ed. November 5, 2008

I have written before about the UBS Greek New Testament: A Reader’s Edition (Hendrickson), but I will say it again: all pastors, scholars and students (who read Greek) will rediscover their Bible through this book. As I have mentioned before, using the UBS ecclectic text, it offers footnoted glosses of all words in Greek in the text that occur less than 30x. The process of reading the NT for someone who knows a decent amount of grammar is almost flawless. And, for those who don’t know some non-glossed words, there is a dictionary in the back with the remaining ones.

I take it everywhere I go – the New Testament seminar, to church, sometimes I sleep with it under my pillow. I use it for the reading course I teach on Philippians and the students love it. It is both a marvelous teaching aid and a handy item for private devotional reading.  The text is quite large, so its easy on the eyes.  Since Christmas is coming up, think about hinting to your wife that you need this for ‘research’ 🙂

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