Article Announcement

Article Announcement May 20, 2009

In June 2009 my article will appear in Currents in Biblical Research: ‘The Theo-Logic of Paul’s Ethics in Recent Research’: 336-361. In this article, I argue that Vic Furnish really launched the study of the theology of Paul’s ethics and his influence can be found in the work of Paul Sampley, Richard Hays, David Horrell and others. I also point to how areas in which he adumbrated important theo-logical and ethical issues have been fleshed out by a number of researchers in recent years. Finally, I suggest some areas for further study. Attention hopeful phd students: there are several suggestions for future research that could easily become doctoral projects!

It is not yet online (though I got my paper copy yesterday). You can check out the website HERE. It should appear in electronic form in the next couple of weeks.

NB: This was a fun project to work on. I wrote this piece before my thesis literature review. It helped me to think through how to do a lit review and how to organize and compare/contrast information. I hope to make my next two major research contribitions in this general area over the next 5 years. As I have mentioned before in a recent post, I am excited that Furnish’s work (Theology and Ethics in Paul) is being reprinted by WJK in their NTL series this summer (June/July?).

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