Best Resources on the 10 Commandments in Exodus?

Best Resources on the 10 Commandments in Exodus? March 4, 2010

I am currently doing lecture prep for a discussion of the giving of the law in Exodus.  I will focus about 45 minutes on the Decalogue.  The three main sources I will be studying are these:

Patrick Miller, The Ten Commandments (WJK)

C.E.  Braaten and C. Seitz, I am the Lord Your God: Christian Reflections on the Ten Commandments (Eerdmans)

B. Childs, Old Testament Theology in a Canonical Context (Fortress): 63-83.

What other good discussions are there?  I am interested especially in the decalogue as representative of God’s enduring vision of ethics for his people.  Anything involving the theology of the decalogue is especially welcome.  Thanks!

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