Scottish J of Theol’s Burridge/Hays/Watson debate

Scottish J of Theol’s Burridge/Hays/Watson debate July 2, 2010

The latest Scottish Journal of Theology issue has a nice debate concerning Richard Burridge’s Imitating Jesus book. The first respondent is Richard Hays, then Francis Watson, and finally Ian Markham. Afterwards, Richard offers his own response. I was at the SBL session when this discussion took place and it is a very helpful conversation. Burridge attacked Hays a bit in his book and it was nice to have Hays offer his own response. Watson’s comments were also useful.

In additional, but unrelated to the above debate, Geoffrey Turner has an interesting article title: “The Righteousness of God in Psalms and in Romans.” I have not read it, but I intend to…

See here.

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