Recent Publications of Mine

Recent Publications of Mine August 10, 2010

This summer, my article with Horizons in Biblical Theology was published: “To Whom Was Christ a Slave (Phil 2:7)? Double Agency and the Specters of Sin and Death in Philippians”

This article, which I consider to be some of my best work, was splendidly edited by Lewis Donelson who worked closely with me in revising this piece and sharpening it for publication. I will be using this as part of the reading in my Philippians exegesis course.

The most recent The Catholic Biblical Quarterly has my article “Which Body is a Temple (1 Corinthians 6:19)? Paul beyond the Individual/Communal Divide.” This is, perhaps, the most significant thing I have ever written and the one with the most potential for long-lasting interest and effect in scholarship. Or it could flop, but I have already gotten a lot of positive feedback from it. I am bringing a dozen or so off-prints of this to SBL (as they gave me 50+), so if you bump into me and want one, just ask!

Thirdly, I hate to bore you with more details about my Walter de Gruyter book, but perhaps you might be interested in knowing that it is now ready to ship from Amazon for $98.00 (rather cheap compared to other similar monographs).

Finally, I was selected while at Durham to do an advert endorsing my experience – you can find a blip of what I said here. Please ignore the picture – not the most flattering…

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