Looking Forward to These SBL Sessions (FRIDAY, NOV 21)! (Gupta)

Looking Forward to These SBL Sessions (FRIDAY, NOV 21)! (Gupta) July 30, 2014

If you hadn’t heard yet, the SBL 2014 program is now online. I am going to do a series of blog posts on highlights, but because the program is getting huge I will do just one day at a time. So, here is what’s going on on Friday. [FYI: I hate to tell you to leave the “Paul and Apocalyptic” session early, but you won’t want to miss Ross Wagner’s paper on the Septuagint! I suggest you have someone bootleg “Paul and Apocalyptic” after 4PM so you can be at the LXX & NT session. :)]


Paul and the Apocalyptic Imagination

12:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Room: 300 A (Level 3 (Aqua)) – Hilton Bayfront (HB)
Across various branches of biblical and theological study, there is a renewed interest in ‘apocalyptic’. This development is seen particularly in the study of Paul’s theology, where it is now widely agreed that Paul promotes an ‘apocalyptic theology’. However, there is little agreement on what this means. Scholars from different perspectives have, as a result, continued to talk past each other. This special session provides an opportunity for leading Pauline scholars from different perspectives to engage in discussion about the meaning of Paul as an apocalyptic thinker. Indeed, one of the strengths and aims of this event is that different and opposing views are set next to each other. The session will hopefully bring greater clarity to the ‘apocalyptic’ reading of Paul by providing much needed definition to central terms and interpretive approaches and by highlighting both their strengths and weaknesses.

Session 1
Jason Maston, Highland Theological College, Presiding
Jason Maston, Highland Theological College, Welcome (5 min)
M. C. de Boer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – VU University Amsterdam
Apocalyptic as Eschatological Activity (25 min)
N.T. Wright, University of St. Andrews
Apocalyptic as Heavenly Communication (25 min)
Loren Stuckenbruck, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Apocalypticism in Second Temple Judaism (25 min)
Philip Ziegler, University of Aberdeen
Apocalypticism in Modern Theology (25 min)
Discussion (15 min)
Break (15 min)
Session 2
Ben Blackwell, Houston Baptist University, Presiding
Michael Gorman, Saint Mary’s Seminary and University
The Apocalyptic New Covenant and the Shape of Life in the Spirit (25 min)
Edith Humphrey, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Apocalypse as Theoria in Paul: A New Perspective on Apocalyptic as Mother of Theology (25 min)
Douglas Campbell, Duke University
Paul’s Apocalyptic Epistemology (25 min)
Beverly Gaventa, Baylor University
Romans 9–11: An Apocalyptic Reading (25 min)
John Barclay, University of Durham
Apocalyptic Investments: 1 Corinthians 7 and Pauline Ethics (25 min)
Discussion (20 min)
Word of Thanks, Book Promotion, and Adjournment

IBR – Relationship Between OT and NT
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Room: Indigo Ballroom B (Level 2 (Indigo)) – Hilton Bayfront (HB)

Theme: Research Group: The Relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament
This research group focuses on the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament. For further information contact Nijay Gupta (nijay.gupta@gmail.com) and Creig Marlowe (wcreigmarlowe@cs.com) and see http://www.ibr-bbr.org/ (click on Research Groups: The Relationship Between the Old Testament and New Testament).

Creig Marlowe, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Introduction (5 min)
J. Ross Wagner, Duke University
The New Testament and the Septuagint (35 min)
Robert Wall, Seattle Pacific University, Respondent (15 min)
J. Wagner, Duke University, Respondent (5 min)
Telford Work, Westmont College, Respondent (15 min)
J. Wagner, Duke University, Respondent (5 min)
Discussion (20 min)
Business Meeting (20 min)


Institute for Biblical Research
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Room: Room 6 A (Upper level) – San Diego Convention Center (CC)

Theme: Annual Lecture
The Institute for Biblical Research, Incorporated (IBR) is an organization of evangelical Christian scholars with specialties in Old and New Testament and in ancillary disciplines. Its vision is to foster excellence in the pursuit of Biblical Studies within a faith environment. The achievement of this goal is sought primarily by organizing annual conferences, conducting seminars and workshops, and by sponsoring academic publications in the various fields of biblical research. IBR’s conferences, seminars and workshops are open to the public and its publications are available for purchase. For further information go to http://www.ibr-bbr.org.

Tremper Longman, Westmont College, Welcome (10 min)
Beth Stovell, Ambrose University College and Seminary, Scripture Reading and Prayer (5 min)
Mark Boda, McMaster Divinity College, Introduction (5 min)
Annual Lecture
Craig Keener, Asbury Theological Seminary
Miracles: Philosophic and Historical Plausibility (40 min)
Robert Webb, McMaster University, Respondent (10 min)
Darrell Bock, Dallas Theological Seminary, Respondent (10 min)
Discussion (20 min)
Presentation by Baker Academic & Brazos Press
The IBR Reception follows the Annual Lecture and is sponsored by Baker Academic & Brazos Press


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