Theology Podcasts I Follow (Gupta)

Theology Podcasts I Follow (Gupta) August 31, 2018


So, this year my commute time to work is longer because I am teaching a class at the Newberg campus twice a week (~45 min away). My friend and dean, Roger Nam, recommended that I check out some good theology podcasts. To be honest, I never much listened to podcasts before, but I am really enjoying it. The following are a mix of older podcasts and newer ones, but all of them are worth checking out.

OnScript – for me, this is the current premier biblical studies podcast. Recently, I have enjoyed episodes with Cynthia Westfall, Susan Eastman, and Scot McKnight. But also check out older episodes with lots of fascinating scholars and topics.

Seminary Dropout -this one offers a mix of theology, ministry, culture, and life; great variety of guests, academic and professional. (I was interviewed a while back, but I am not nearly as interesting as most of their other guests!). A good couple of recent episodes are with AJ Swoboda (“Subversive Sabbath”) and another with Dominique Gilliard (“On How the Church Can Rethink Incarceration and Advocate for Justice that Restores”).

Kingdom Roots – This is Scot McKnight’s theology and ministry podcast. He does a good job weaving together academia and real ministry interests and concerns. A good recent episode interviews my buddy Dennis Edwards (pastor and professor) on 1 Peter.

Weird Religion – OK, this is a brand new podcast show. And—even better—it is hosted by my wonderful colleagues Leah Payne and Brian Doak (George Fox profs). This quirky, interesting, and fun podcast covers religion and pop culture. Payne and Doak are great thinkers, but also just a lot of fun. Also, protip, they use excellent microphone and sound systems, so the sound quality is outstanding.


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