New Testament Introductions and Surveys (NTRG)

New Testament Introductions and Surveys (NTRG) January 7, 2021

This page is part of Crux Sola’s NEW TESTAMENT RESOURCE GUIDE. On this page you will find information about New Testament Introductions and Surveys. 

Basic New Testament Introductions


Gary Burge and Gene Green, The New Testament in Antiquity (Zondervan, 2020) [<– Click here]




Mark Allan Powell, Introducing the New Testament: A Historical, Literary, and Theological Survey, 2nd ed (Baker, 2018) [<– Click here]




Exploring the New Testament, 3rd ed. (SPCK//IVP Academic, 2021) [<– Click here]


Academic/Critical New Testament Introductions

Paul J. Achtemeier, Joel B. Green, Marianne Meye Thompson, Introducing the New Testament: Its Literature and Theology. (Eerdmans, 2001) [<– click here]



M. Eugene Boring, An Introduction to the New Testament: History, Literature, Theology (Westminster John Knox, 2012). [<– Click here]



D.A. Carson and Douglas J. Moo, An Introduction to the New Testament, 2nd ed. (Zondervan Academic, 2005) [<– Click Here]



David A. deSilva, An Introduction to the New Testament: Contexts, Methods & Ministry Formation, 2nd ed (InterVarsity Press Academic, 2018) [<– Click here]



Donald A. Hagner, The New Testament: A Historical and Theological Introduction (Baker Academic, 2012). [<– Click Here]



Luke Timothy Johnson, The Writings of the New Testament, 3rd ed. (Fortress Press, 2010) [<– Click Here]



Other New Testament Introductions

G.K. Beale and Benjamin L. Gladd, The Story Retold: A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament (IVP Academic, 2020 [<– Click Here]



Mitzi J. Smith and Yung Suk Kim, Toward Decentering the New Testament (Wipf & Stock, 2018) [<– Click Here]




N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird, The New Testament in Its World (Zondervan Academic, 2019) [<– Click Here]


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