My Top 6 Commentaries (Exodus)

My Top 6 Commentaries (Exodus) May 17, 2021

We have launched a new series featuring “best pick” recommendations on OT commentaries by OT experts. Last time, Dr. Richard Middleton gave his recommendations on Genesis. This time around, we have Dr. Carmen Imes talking about Exodus. Dr. Imes has written several books on the Old Testament, and she is due to publish a major Exodus commentary in the Baker Commentary on the OT Pentateuch. She has also written the widely popular Bearing God’s Name, and is now working on a sequel.

Exodus Commentaries

Expert: Dr. Carmen Joy Imes


Cornelius Houtman (HCOT): Translated from Dutch, Houtman’s 4-volume commentary on Exodus is everything one could hope for in such a lengthy treatment, a close reading of the text with attention to textual criticism, philology, historical background, and exegesis.

William H. C. Propp (AB): Propp’s work is thorough and careful. He includes comparative linguistics and attention to the Dead Sea Scrolls.


Peter Enns (NIVAC): Enns easily navigates between historical background and theological significance. His insights make this a great resource for pastors and students.

Victor P. Hamilton (Baker): Hamilton’s stand-alone commentary engages technical questions with transliterated Hebrew as well as sensible commentary. He is not constrained by membership in a series.


Terence Fretheim (Interpretation): Fretheim is attentive to genre and literary structure. His theological sensitivities make this volume a treasure.

Leon R. Kass (Yale): Founding God’s Nation: Reading Exodus is a brand new commentary by University of Chicago professor emeritus Leon Kass, a humanist scholar. Kass reads Exodus as a wholistic text with ongoing significance. He is not a specialist in Hebrew Bible, but his approach is refreshing and insightful.

Abel Ndjerareou (Africa Bible Commentary): Ndjerareou writes from an African context. Though necessarily brief, his comments are brimming with theological and applicational wisdom.

Nijay’s Picks

Walter Brueggemann (New Interpreter’s Bible): Master interpreter and theologian giving his take.

Christopher Wright (SOGBC): I haven’t read this yet (released March 2021), but I expect it to be an excellent resource for pastors and laypeople.

Check out Imes’ Scholarship

Bearing YHWH’s Name at Sinai: A Reexamination of the Name Command of the Decalogue (Eisenbrauns, 2018)

Bearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still Matters (IVP, 2019)

Illustrated Exodus in Hebrew (GlossaHouse, 2017)

Exodus (BCOT, forthcoming, no link yet)

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