Derwin L. Gray on the Multiethnic Community: Living the King Jesus Gospel (The Blog Series)

Derwin L. Gray on the Multiethnic Community: Living the King Jesus Gospel (The Blog Series) October 25, 2021

This is a blog series on some of the participants in the new book, Living the King Jesus Gospel. Today we have Dr. Derwin L. Gray, pastor, writer, and a contributor to this tribute book for our friend Scot McKnight.

How do you know Scot?

Scot was doctoral advisor. I studied under him for years at Northern Seminary.

How has Scot made an impact on you?

Scot has not only taught me the King Jesus Gospel, he has embodied it through his life.

For your book chapter, What subject did you choose and why?

I wrote on how the King Jesus gospel not just forgives our sins, but creates a multiethnic family of different colored skins in fulfillment of God’s covenant with Abraham.
[NKG: Check out Gray’s book, Building a Multiethnic Church]

What is your vocation? And how do you see yourself attempting to “Live the King Jesus Gospel” in that context?

I’m an th co-founder and lead pastor of Transformation Church, a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, mission shape community.

Do you have a favorite Scot McKnight book?

Jesus Creed [NKG: me too!]

Any fun, personal stories about Scot you want to share?

I taught Scott how to do a hip hop dance in Israel. And it was glorious beyond description. So I will not describe what I saw. �

In terms of writing, what are you working on next?

October 5, 2021, My new book, God, Do You Hear Me? releases. This book is on the beauty and power of The Lord’s Prayer.

If you want to check out some of Gray’s other writings, see below! And don’t forget to order Living the King Jesus Gospel.


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