British New Testament Conference (speakers)

British New Testament Conference (speakers) April 9, 2009

The British New Testament Conference is one of the most enjoyable parts of coming to the UK to study New Testament.  The conference normally occurs in September for a couple of days and about 100-150 scholars and students gather to reflect, explore, and, of course, argue.  In 2008 the conference was right here in Durham.  The 2009 meeting (3-5 Sept.) will take place in Aberdeen.  Several of the study groups have sent out calls for papers.

The plenary speakers have been announced, but paper titles have not been given yet.

The plenary speakers are:
(1) Dr Helen Bond, University of Edinburgh
(2) Prof David Parker, University of Birmingham
(3) Dr Todd Klutz, University of Manchester

I know very little about #2 and #3, but Helen is a Durham grad and a fine scholar of the gospels.  Her expertise has been in all things related to Pontius Pilate.
For more information on the conference see the WEBSITE.

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