An Introduction to the New Testament—Carson and Moo

An Introduction to the New Testament—Carson and Moo January 19, 2021

Carson, D.A. and Douglas J. Moo. An Introduction to the New Testament. (Zondervan Academic, 2005), 784 Pages; List Price, HB $49.99. 

Book Description: An Introduction to the New Testament focuses on “special introduction” that is historical questions dealing with authorship, date, sources, purpose, destination, and so forth. This approach stands in contrast to recent texts that concentrate more on literary form, rhetorical criticism, and historical parallels — topics the authors don’t minimize, but instead think are better given extended treatment in exegesis courses. By refocusing on the essentials, An Introduction to the New Testament ensures that the New Testament books will be accurately understood within historical settings. For each New Testament document, the authors also provide a substantial summary of that book’s content, discuss the book’s theological contribution to the overall canon, and give an account of current studies on that book, including recent literary and social-science approaches to interpretation. 


Distinctive Features: This second edition reflects significant revision and expansion from the original, making this highly acclaimed text even more valuable. A new chapter provides a historical survey examining Bible study method through the ages. The chapter on Paul has been expanded to include an analysis of debates on the “new perspective.” The discussion of New Testament epistles has been expanded to form a new chapter. 


Nijay’s Notes:

This is a widely popular introduction; Carson and Moo are recognized evangelical scholars with numerous commentaries and academic books under their belts. But as it gets closer to 20 years old, its ability to address newer controversies is decreasing.

About the Author(s):

D. A. Carson (PhD, Cambridge University) is research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, where he has taught since 1978. He is co-founder (with Tim Keller) of the Gospel Coalition, and has written or edited nearly 60 books. He has served as a pastor and is an active guest lecturer in church and academic settings around the world.


Douglas J. Moo (PhD, University of St. Andrews) is the Kenneth T. Wessner Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College. His work centers on understanding the text of the New Testament and its application today. He has written extensively in several commentary series, including the NIV Application Commentary, Pillar Commentary, Tyndale New Testament Commentary, and the New International Commentary on the New Testament.


Nijay’s Notes:

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