The Dogmat saw Racism and Death

The Dogmat saw Racism and Death June 25, 2015


Much of what the Dogmat saw this week made him unhappy, especially the news from Charleston. The Dogmat is glad that the shooter’s goal of igniting a race war has so far not been reached, and he is mightily impressed with the forgiveness shown by the survivors.

On Racism in the American South and the Shock of the Charleston Shootings: While providing neither a facile explanation for the shooter’s actions nor a facile prescription for how to prevent similar shootings, Jen Fitz provides some fascinating context. People are not all exactly like the people who live around the Dogmat’s doghouse. Read it all.

5 simple chemistry facts that everyone should understand before talking about science: The Dogmat agrees, being made of chemicals himself. However, he quibbles about #3, that there is no difference between natural and synthetic versions of a chemical. This is certainly true, as stated; however, natural chemicals are generally mixed with other things, some of which will have their own effects—otherwise, we’d probably all be drinking synthetic beer. Oh, the little difference, and oh the difference it makes! So #3, while true, strikes the Dogmat as disingenuous.

When People Offer Me Their Weaknesses As Strengths: On a more positive note, Leah Libresco challenged her Christian friends to begin building a stronger local community by sharing their strengths…and some of those “strengths” surprised and humbled her.

Camille Paglia: The Modern Campus Cannot Comprehend Evil: Camille Paglia is an atheist; but time and again she has shown the Dogmat that she’s a clear thinking and adept at seeing where Academia’s new clothes are so much air. Here she explains why it matters.

Who is God?: Melinda Selmys can’t get excited about the question “Does God exist?” Clearly God exists and has had a significant effect on human affairs, even if God were only a creation of men and women rather than a transcendent creator as we Catholics believe. She’s much more interested in the question of who God is? The Dogmat thinks that’s a great question.

Thursday Virtue: Observantia: Brandon Watson on the little known virtue of observantia, which the Dogmat gathers is the honor you give to those holding worthy offices, when that office is one that doesn’t affect you directly. An example is the respect you give a teacher because they are a teacher, even though they aren’t your teacher.

House Horrible! 7 quick ways to spruce down your home: And finally, because even the Dogmat needs a break from all of this horror and seriousness, some home decorating tips from Simcha Fisher.

photo credit: The British Library, Public Domain

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