5 Reasons Why I Needed a No Soliciting Sign for Hospital Clergy

5 Reasons Why I Needed a No Soliciting Sign for Hospital Clergy September 29, 2016

2: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness (Unless You’re a Man of God)

Thou shalt not

You would think the purpose of asking the religion of patients would be to respect their belief system. But it seems that doesn’t apply to atheists, at least for the hospital chaplain I’ve nicknamed the Prevaricating Preacher, or PP for short.

Would he have spoken of Jesus to a Jewish patient? Or offered a bit of beef jerky to the grieving family members of a Hindu? Yet, in multiple confrontations with my secular loved ones, PP showed that, to him, nonbelievers don’t deserve the same level of respect he would normally accord people from other faith traditions.

It was the equivalent of spiritual malpractice for a hospital clergyman.

Read more: Isn’t There Something in the Bible About Lying?

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