12 Books that could Change Your Life

12 Books that could Change Your Life January 4, 2018

3. Extreme Ownership: How US Navy SEALS Lead and Win by: Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Extreme Ownership

This is a book I’m currently in the process of reading, but it’s already having such a profound impact on my thinking that I had to include it on this list. It’s written by two Navy SEALS and it includes harrowing tales of heroism plus some very practical application to how their SEAL training can apply to every aspect of life. The foundation of the book is to take “Extreme Ownership” meaning we should stop making excuses and blaming circumstances and embrace the accountability and responsibility for our own circumstances. It’s inspiring, entertaining and it’s challenging me to rethink my approach to some things from work to goals to relationships.

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