4 simple ways to make this your best Christmas yet!

4 simple ways to make this your best Christmas yet! December 10, 2013

It’s Christmastime again which means there are decorations everywhere you look, Christmas carols and holiday tunes being played on every station and Will Ferrell dressed as an Elf on almost every TV channel (which is pretty hilarious no matter how many times I watch it)!

The holidays can create a unique mixture of joy and sadness; of bliss and stress. It’s a time when we sing “It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” but for many, it’s a time when financial pressure, relational tensions and life’s disappointments seem overwhelming. The “most wonderful time of the year” is also the time of the year with the most alcohol abuse, domestic violence and suicide.

Christmas has a way of acting like a “Magnifying Glass;” it can make the good things in your life seem even bigger and better, but it can simultaneously make the difficult things in your life seem even bigger and more painful.

I believe that Christmas should be a time of joy and celebration where wonderful memories are made and the stresses of life take a backseat to the joys of life. Enjoying Christmas to its fullest with your loved ones requires some planning and intentionality, so I’ve put together a short list of ways you can make the most of the holidays this year.

Adapt these suggestions to your own family and personality and I believe you could be in store for your best Christmas yet!

1. Don’t get caught up into the Christmas Comparison Trap.

Using Pinterest and facebook to see what others are doing to make Christmas more memorable is a great way to find new, creative ideas, but don’t get sucked into the trap of thinking you have to keep up with the Mom who spends five hours per night arranging her Elf on the Shelf or the Dad who has more Christmas lights than Clark Griswold in Christmas Vacation.

2. Remember that time together is more valuable than anything you can unwrap.

That hot new electronic device will be outdated by next year, but the memories you’re making together have no expiration date. Make time together with loved ones your top priority this year. Make cookies, play board games, go on drives to see Christmas lights and just have fun together!

3. Laugh more, stress less.

It’s almost impossible to have joy and stress at the same time, so make a decision right now that you are refusing to let stress rob you of your peace and happiness this year. Refuse to let past regrets hold you down and refuse to make new regrets this year. Make FUN with your family a priority. Plan activities that will produce the most laughter. Make sure laughter is the soundtrack of your family’s Christmas Season.

4. Remember what (and Who) it’s all about.

In all the “holiday hoopla” it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that Christmas is celebrating the greatest news the world has ever known. It’s about a Savior who came to set us free, bring peace to our messed up lives and show us what love really means. Don’t leave Jesus out of Christmas; He’s the best part of it!

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas! We pray God’s blessings for you and your family this Christmas and in the New Year to come! Your online pals, Dave, Ashley, Cooper, Connor and Chandler. 

Dave, Ashley, Cooper, Connor and Chandler Willis family pic

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