40 Things to do Before You’re 40

40 Things to do Before You’re 40 February 4, 2018
12. Invest in your Community. It’s nice to see the world, but there’s no substitute for investing into a community right where you live. Build relationships. Volunteer. Make your town a better place to live because you are there. Most of life’s greatest lessons and greatest blessings happen through community and relationships.
13. Find a cause that captures your heart. What is that issue that when you hear about it or see it, your heart starts racing and you think, “Somebody needs to do something about that!” That “thing” is probably your cause. Invest into it. Make the world a better place by serving where you’re passionate. Don’t just complain about the way things are. If you want to see change, roll up your sleeves and make a difference.
14. Say “thank you” to those who have helped you. Jesus tells a story in the Gospels of him healing ten men of leprosy, but only one of the ten came back to offer thanks. In my experience, that same approximate percentage (one in ten) live with an attitude of gratitude. The rest of us get what we want and before we can really give thanks, we’re racing ahead to the next things we think we want and need. Be the one who goes back to say thanks. Write thank you notes. Live with gratitude. It will encourage those you thank and make a HUGE difference in your own heart and mind too.
15. Forgive those who have hurt you. This is similar to #3 on letting go of bitterness, but it’s also a specific item in itself. Bitterness can the be the result of disappointment, failure or disillusionment even if nobody has specifically wronged you. Forgiving is intentional and specific. Think of those who have hurt you. Some of them might already be dead and gone. Choose to forgive. Let go of the pain and put it in God’s hands. Even if they don’t apologize, forgive. Sometimes, the most freeing choice you can make is to accept an apology that never actually comes.
16. Say, “I’m Sorry” to those you’ve hurt. You don’t have to be a recovering addict to experience the life-changing power of steps 8 and 9 of the 12-step program. Make a list of those you’ve harmed in any way and then make direct amends. Take responsibility for what you did to hurt them. Apologize without making excuses. Offer to help restore what was broken if they’re open to allowing you to.
17. Do something that terrifies you. Nothing gives you more confidence and momentum toward your goals than doing something that terrifies you. Whether it’s giving a speech in public, starting a business, going back to school to finish your degree, skydiving or you fill-in-the-blank, just do it. Once you’ve done it, that fear won’t have a grip on you and one fear at a time, you can tackle those monsters that still live under your bed and you’ll realize they weren’t so scary after all.
18. Evict your negative habits. If you were starting your life new right now, what are the habits that you wouldn’t want to be part of your life? Is it smoking? Overeating? Overspending? Co-dependent relationships? Gambling? Be specific. Take an honest inventory of your habits and choose to get rid of any that aren’t helping you.
19. Do an honest self-assessment. The self-assessment isn’t only for the negative habits. You also need to pause to evaluate where you’ve been, where you are and where you want to go. Don’t be too hard on yourself but don’t be too easy on yourself either. Plato once wisely stated that the unexamined life is not worth living. Most people go through life on autopilot. Choose to be countercultural. Examine your life and respond with positive change.
20. Create something that will outlive you. A rich life is one that has planted many seeds that bear fruit long after the planter has stepped from this life into eternity. If you have kids, invest the best of yourself into them. There’s no higher calling than that. Whether or not your have kids, we all are called to shape future generations through our actions and our generosity. Spend your time, talents and resources on causes that will matter after you’re gone.

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