40 Things to do Before You’re 40

40 Things to do Before You’re 40 February 4, 2018
28. Look good in a swimsuit (at least once). I love Mexican food and ice cream too much to be able to see my abs, but I have one picture with my shirt off from college where I look pretty good. At the time, I don’t remember thinking I looked that good, but now at almost 40 looking back, I was pretty hot! This list item is more funny than serious, but you probably will be glad you have at least one swimsuit picture of yourself you’re not embarrassed of!
29. Read the Bible cover-to-cover. Of everything on this list, this one has been one of the most helpful to me. I read the Bible everyday as part of a morning quiet time, and it’s the best way I can start my day. I first read through the Bible cover-to-cover shortly after college and that experience was transformational. It’s the bestselling book of all time and it’s shaped more lives, more cultures and more stories than anything ever written. Read it for yourself. As a “Part 2” to this item, I’d encourage you to memorize as many scriptures as you can. Put God’s word in your mind and heart. Aim at memorizing 40 Bible verses before you turn 40.
30. Make a personal commitment to your faith. This one links to the previous one about reading the Bible. Each person must come to a place in his or her own journey where their faith isn’t just inherited from their parents. It must become very real and very personal. Decide for yourself and then build your life on a foundation of your faith. For me, that decision meant following Jesus and trusting the Bible as my guide. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made.
31. Volunteer to coach a kids’ team. I was never a great athlete, but some of my most rewarding memories happened on a sports field. I wasn’t playing; I was coaching. For the record, I’m not a great coach but I love kids. I’ve coached several of my kids’ little league teams and investing into them and their teammates (and the other parents) has been richly rewarding. Even if you don’t have kids of your own, volunteer to coach. The kids need you and you’ll gain some great memories.
32. Read a thousand books. I’m an author, but, ironically, I used to hate reading! I didn’t really develop a love for reading until I was in my twenties. Now, I wish I would have started much earlier. I try to read a book a week (which is approximately a thousand books in twenty years). For full disclosure, several hundred of my thousand are short picture books I read to my kids at bedtime! Books have shaped my thinking, stretched my worldview, entertained me, challenged me, instructed me and inspired me. Develop a love for reading. It will change your life. For some books to get you started, once you finish this article, google my article on “12 Books that Will Change your Life.”
33. Sing karaoke (while you’re sober). I’m not a good singer, and the thought of singing in front of people used to be a really phobia, but ever since my wife talked me into singing a karaoke duet with her, I not only conquered a fear, I had a blast! Don’t do it drunk. (As a quick sidenote, I wouldn’t recommend doing anything drunk.) Drunk karaoke doesn’t require courage. Everyone should try sober karaoke at least once. Get some friends together and plan a group number as a first step.

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