Univ of New Haven claims I’m too “politically polarizing” because they fear diversity

Univ of New Haven claims I’m too “politically polarizing” because they fear diversity October 12, 2016

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Well, let’s just call it like it is: there’s going to be a few less melting snowflakes at the University of New Haven since I’ve been disinvited to speak on their campus. Now that my intimidating conservative viewpoint is no longer threatening the safe spaces of these progressive pansies, the liberal utopia of UNH, having been freed from opposing ideas, can return to business as usual.

Of course, I was invited there to give a talk on forensics but apparently, my personal politics brings a dark cloud of oppression everywhere I go and the intelligentsia would crack under the strain. And though the university has continued to lie about why I was disinvited, the truth is finally out and the word is spreading about how colleges have become bastions for the Left and censors for the Right.

One site dedicated to exposing this is Campus Reform. They picked up on my story and published it to their site. They do a great job as a watchdog over America’s so-called higher education system. With what they uncover about colleges on a daily basis, it’s a wonder anyone would even enroll.

Read their coverage here.

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