January 6, 2017

Well, that's not a bad way to start off the year. Read more

January 4, 2017

I'm no hero, but I LOVE these Blue Lives Matter products. Read more

January 4, 2017

An Anti-Police rally in Austin, Texas gave America a great glimpse into their hate-filled motives. Read more

January 4, 2017

How did it go from being irresponsible to being responsible? Read more

January 4, 2017

When conservatism is looked down upon at a Christian university, we've reached an impasse. Read more

January 4, 2017

There is something terribly wrong in this country when something like this is allowed to happen. Read more

January 4, 2017

This is why we voted for Trump. Read more

January 3, 2017

Can we buy out the last remaining weeks of his term like a contract? Read more

December 30, 2016

Surprise! Criminals don’t obey laws. Read more

December 29, 2016

The genius Thomas Sowell is retiring from his column writing. In his honor, I thought you'd enjoy some of his best quotes. Read more

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