Check this out: one parish’s own news show—and this place is a hotbed for vocations

Check this out: one parish’s own news show—and this place is a hotbed for vocations May 26, 2014

A friend from Georgia sent this my way. All I can say is: wow. It’s an impressive example of how one parish is using modern media.

This comes from Transfiguration Catholic Church in Marietta, GA. It’s a parish news show called “Transfiguration Today,”  which is almost like a broadcast bulletin. But it’s done with a flair and polish that would put a lot of local stations to shame.

Even better: judging from what’s on display here, Transfiguration appears to be a vibrant, thriving parish full of fervor, families and faith. The website lists six deacons on staff (as “pastoral associates”) and my friend who belongs to the parish tells me they have another two in formation.

Whatever their secret, they should bottle and sell it.

Take a look below. I was delighted to notice that one of the stories mentions the new associate joining the parish. He’s Fr. Dennis Dorner,Jr— the son of Atlanta Deacon Dennis Dorner.  

UPDATE: A seminarian just dropped me a line:

I am a seminarian from Atlanta,  from Transfiguration. There are are four seminarians from this parish and three candidates to join the seminary this year. And we have one nun that just professed her first vows…all this is because the Pastor, Msgr. Pat, always teach us love to the Eucharist and Catholic Church…

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