June 19, 2019

Here is a simple Summer Solstice meditation ritual to charge a talisman with the powers of the light, and to illuminate your inner Sanctuary, using techniques from my book the Secret Country of Yourself. What you need: Some sort of stone or coin or piece of jewelry that feels like light to you (originally, we used bits of sunstone or citrine) Some kind of fire (a candle works nicely if a firepit isn’t available!) When to do it: Solstice is great, but... Read more

May 24, 2019

We’ve talked before about Self-Knowledge as the primary power of the Witch. We’ve talked about Self-Healing as a primary responsibility of the Witch. These are not simple or easy tasks. So what is the grace that lies within the challenge? Self-Possession is the primary gift of the Witch and one of the greatest. It’s said that Victor Anderson reminded folks to keep focused on Self-Possession thusly: “’Thou shalt have no other gods before me’ means YOU”.  This doesn’t mean that... Read more

May 14, 2019

Self-Knowledge First, then Self-Healing We’ve talked about Self-Knowledge and how it is the primary power of the Witch. But what’s next? Self-Healing is a primary responsibility of the Witch. It is a core value in Shapeshifter Witchery (and Feri trad in general) that we do not coddle weakness, nor do we condemn weakness, in ourselves and in others. When we find something in us that is problematic, first we approach with compassion (as much as we can muster!) But we... Read more

May 3, 2019

In my Practice and my Teaching, I start with a focus on Self-Knowledge, Self-Healing and Self-Possession; Self-Knowledge is the Primary Power of the Witch. We begin this way because we are sacred beings, holy as the ground we walk on, and we deserve the best of the World. “I am a molecule of the universe and of the Great Spirit, of whom we are all a part. And I demand my rights” (Thus spake the Patriarch of Feri Tradition, Victor Anderson).... Read more

April 24, 2019

Beltane can sometimes look like a very binary experience, but I experience it as the most Queer of holy days. I mean, when else is the energy this untamed, unpredictable, new, and gorgeous? In what other season do we see the ecstasy of creativity unleashed in such abundance? Let me tell you, from my experience here at the Farmette, everything is pushing forward, becoming themselves in all their glorious, unexpected, self-defined beauty. Not to denigrate the binary for those folks... Read more

April 3, 2019

This is my contribution to that excellent book by Jason Mankey and Laura Tempest Zarkoff, The Witch’s Altar. In my work of connecting to the inner sacred landscape of self, the altar is the second conduit between that numinous realm and the shared reality. The first is the practitioner, in all our imperfection and grace. We keep our records at the altar; we connect to our body, our heart, and our mind here. The altar is the sticking place where... Read more

February 26, 2019

At Pantheacon, the Dustbunnies and kin presented a Feri Pagan Tent Revival in honor of our beloved Oathmother, Valerie Walker (aka veedub) and her Consort, Ron Miller. It went a little something like this... Read more

February 1, 2019

So much of what we do here at Dirt-Heart Farmette has to do with two simple actions: putting things together and taking them apart. Here's how that happens with a seedling... Read more

January 28, 2019

Early Spring is a good time to consider our Path for the coming year. This meditation came to/through me while preparing for a ritual to honor Brigid, First of my Mothers. Read more

January 24, 2019

Some years back, Shapeshifter Feri was born. It was a beautiful and charming baby and much loved by its kinfolk. Then things changed and it wandered off to do other work in the worlds. Now it's returned: creative and dark and wondrous and bright and hilarious and powerful. Read more

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