May 25, 2018

Christians often struggle in relationships for the right and godly thing to do. Sometimes, we fall into the worldly narrative that we need to cut off “toxic people” from our lives. Yet, is this the biblical approach when the toxic individual is a family member? Is there someone in your life whom you consider to be “toxic”?  If you do not love this difficult individual, or don’t have to deal with him or her being in your immediate circle, then... Read more

May 17, 2018

Thou, Oh Lord, are a shield about me. You’re my glory, and the lifter of my head (Psalm 3:3). Parenting, especially mothering, is full of challenges. Moms of future grown-ups–do you ever go through life wondering if you are good enough? If you are cut out for the long haul that mothering entails? If you would amount to anything worthy of mention? Do you find yourself hiding your sins and shame? Do you secretly compete with the beautiful, got it... Read more

May 11, 2018

**This blog was originally titled Social Justice Warrior Language: Translated for White People, but was scratched and replaced to be more reader friendly.**   Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) have been speaking up more and more. Or maybe it’s just me becoming more woke (socially and politically aware) through increased interest in the subject and avid reading.  This blog will focus on racial justice/reconciliation. I’m Asian American (classified as AAPI, or Asian American Pacific Islander). Therefore, I’m a Person of Color (POC), which... Read more

May 1, 2018

There is no doubt that internet and smartphone technology have many benefits for society. A certain population of Americans are not mobile and enjoy getting involved, informed, and connected online. However, people are unplugging from or reducing online interactions for good reasons. If you are a small business owner or organization leader, you might not understand why folks are dis-engaging from online interactions. They are posting and sharing less. Some have deleted intrusive apps or deactivated their Facebook accounts. From... Read more

April 18, 2018

The last few days, I’ve been reading and hearing about two young, black men getting kicked out of a Starbucks in Philadelphia (see here and here). Apparently, a white, female store manager called the police because the two were sitting there and appeared to be not paying customers.  The cops allegedly asked them to leave but after 12 minutes of them refusing to leave the store, arrested them overnight. Reportedly, the young men were waiting for a friend and were not... Read more

April 11, 2018

Have you ever wondered what an average day in the life of an American mom entails? Do you imagine what these Christians in the Bible Belt are really like? I’m a bit of a sociologist by hobby and social worker and clinician by profession, so I get to associate with and study a fairly large slice of the spectrum of Southerners. And having been a mom since fifteen years ago, I’ve been around a lot of mothers going through various... Read more

April 3, 2018

Christians who climb on the progressive  bandwagon often talk about a Jesus that is “intersectional” — one who confronts and overturns the systems and power structures that promote poverty and marginalization of certain groups of people—mainly women, children, the poor, outcast, the foreigner among us, etc… The more of these factors you have, the exponential your suffering, or so the progressive thinking goes. Armed with this socio-political framework, many social workers advocate for the empowerment of marginalized people groups, and... Read more

March 28, 2018

Millions of Christians across the world will be celebrating this weekend starting on the somber holiday of Good Friday in various ways including fasting and church services. But why is it called good when it is about the death of Jesus, our Lord and Savior? In fact, I just learned that in Germany, Good Friday is also called Sorrowful Friday. And how appropriate since this day is commemorated as the day that Jesus, the unblemished lamb of God, died from... Read more

March 20, 2018

My parents came to visit me, my husband, and the grandkids for Spring Break and provided interesting lessons in world history as I quizzed them about their past. It started innocently when I was taking them to visit a relative my parents informed me that I had. The relative’s home was located in a Chinese Vietnamese part of Houston. We were driving on Bellaire Blvd when we crossed a street whose name my dad immediately recognized. At the intersection of... Read more

March 6, 2018

Church unity or “unity in diversity” is a lofty goal. Most American Christians I know, including myself, mean well. We are trying to be followers of Christ, disciples of Christ, the body of believers. If you get to know each Christian individually, you would be able to relate. Catch a believer in his/her solitude, converse with anonymity, and you would find him/her quite lovable, even adorable. Connections and understanding are sweet like honey, refreshing like water.  The problems seem to... Read more

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