A Powerful Healing Story – do try this at home!

A Powerful Healing Story – do try this at home! September 18, 2016

Art Beautiful sunrise over the tropical beach

Recently, I was speaking with a good friend who has struggled for some time with finances. She was always living on the edge, barely scraping by, bouncing in and out of debt, and always feeling like there’s not enough. I could relate. I’ve certainly been there.

Holding each other in love and compassion, we agreed to dive into the depths of our hearts to explore what voices might be operating and keeping us stuck in these patterns.

What voices did we find?

“God won’t be there for me. I have to scramble to take care of myself, because I’ve been abandoned and I am alone. I’m stuck in the frantic flurry of the dog-paddler who doesn’t know how to swim. I’m dog-paddling in the middle of the ocean, and it feels like I have to keep moving or I will go under and drown.

Both of us had similarities in childhood experiences that seemed to influence these deep-seated beliefs. My friend had lost a parent suddenly at a young age. I had been hospitalized with heart failure as an infant. The patterns of abandonment had been woven into our fabrics at very early ages.

Listening in and feeling into our bodies, I felt the voices and energies coming from the left side of my heart center, near my physical heart. My friend’s voices were coming from deep in her lower abdomen, around her second subtle energy center.

We each brought our breath into our respective areas of focus and began the Remembrance healing meditation practice, calling on the healing power of God, the Prophets, the angels and all the guides and helpers.

We called on the divine attributes of God, the energetic vibrations of the Divine qualities of Love (al-Wadud), Compassion (ar-Rahman), Mercy (ar-Rahim), Healing (ash-Shafi) and Truth (al-Haqq). We breathed the essence of these attributes into our hearts and our bodies, receiving God’s light of healing and truth.

Through intention, we turned the eye of our hearts to face directly into the light of God, and finally we brought the inner voice from deep inside to ask directly, “Beloved God, are you here for me? Please show me Your Truth.”

Then we witnessed. Layers of energy patterns that held constriction in the body and beliefs in the subconscious were lifted. One after another, they floated up and away.

The areas that held those nagging pains and constriction were filled with a new life force energy that breathed a new breath into the space. It was like watching a raisin be rehydrated and become a grape again – in fact, a whole bunch of grapes on an ever-nourishing living vine.

This continued for a while. I saw ways that I had held myself back from receiving love. I had neglected loving myself. I became aware of many times I had put myself in harm’s way out of fear of abandonment. I needed to fit in and be accepted more than I needed to take care of myself.

Then I heard another voice. “I don’t deserve to occupy this space. I can’t stand next to a partner in relationship. I have to keep myself separate. I’m not big enough to occupy the space next to him. I have to keep myself small and stay hidden, otherwise people will see that I’m not worthy. Staying separate and hidden is the only way to stay safe.”

Ya Allah, ash-Shahid, Ya Allah, al-Haqq. Oh beloved God, the Witness of all, the Truth. I again invited the inner voice to turn to the Light of God and ask for help, healing and truth. Another wave of healing and release came through.

The world seems like a brighter place now, much bigger with more possibilities for living a full and free life. I don’t need to protect myself from abandonment because I am not alone. I am loved, and I am love.

I don’t need to protect myself from being seen as unworthy. I am worthy of whatever God makes for me because it is from Him and not from me. It is for me, but not about me. It doesn’t make me unworthy or special. It just is.

I turn to God and say YES to whatever You wish to make for me. I say Yes to Your will and leave that of my own. With gratitude, once again immense gratitude, I thank You and bow to You in reverence.

I can stop the dog-paddling and rest into the ocean. The ocean supports me. I am safe.

If any of this resonates for you, I invite you to try this at home. Calling directly on the Source of healing and truth from the most sincere place in your heart is a most powerful form of healing.

May God guide you and grant you blessings and healing for your heart and soul.



In case you get stuck, there is support. You can connect with one of our healers at The University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism at our Student Healing Clinic. These healers are in their final year of class or recent graduates – well-trained to support you in this process.


PHOTO CREDITS: Adobe Stock Photo © Konstiantyn #85577454 


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