It’s a Good Thing were Pack-Rats…

It’s a Good Thing were Pack-Rats… January 5, 2009

…because I think it saved me some misery yesterday!

Ran & I were headed downstairs to my basement.  He was wearing his sleep-sac, & being afraid he may trip & fall I faced him to ask if I could carry him down.  “No!  I’m a big boy,” was his reply & as I turned to go down all by my doggone self I somehow lost my footing and started slipping down the stairs!  May I add, I too was wearing a sleep sac.  sheesh.

Anyway, I picked up momentum and actually fell over the side of the stairwell into a bunch of boxes.  I think if they hadn’t been there I would have fallen wrist first onto a solid concrete floor.  Once the boxes gave, my fall continued onto my hip and then I rolled over next to the dryer.

Of course I let out a loud yelp on the way down, so that by the time my husband came to see what was wrong I was laying face down by our dryer which is quite some distance from the bottom of the stairwell.  Ransom who watched me scream & fall was saying, “mama? mama?” and I was actually sort of out of it.

I could have picked Ran up & we both could have fell.  (Which would have been his 2nd time to fall all the way down this particular set of stairs and the 3rd occasion.  First, my nephew Bryce who had a blanket over his head & second, Ransom who was just a crawler when the gate wasn’t closed.  I make number 3!).  The boxes didn’t have to be there & I could have a broken wrist or cracked my head.  The area in front of the dryer has a small piece of carpet which my hip landed on, so I could have feasibly broken or chipped my hip bone –it’s a long way down to our basement.  So, I am very thankful it wasn’t worse… I’m just a little sore today, not bad for plummeting down to 15 stairs! 🙂

While Dave was checking my arm, hips, ankles, etc. for breaks & sprains, Ransom ran up to his toys to grab his crane, named “Cranky.”  He brought Cranky down to me, put on my stomach & said, “maybe Cranky can help, Mama.”  Later on he asked Dave privately, “is everything okay with my mama?”  What a sweet little man.

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