My shennanigans

My shennanigans February 5, 2009

If I had a penny for every time some one said to me, “only you,” I’d have at least a dollar.  Maybe $2.  

I do find I get myself into quite a few shennanigans, making me wonder if I subconsciously prefer a comical life.  Perhaps, life is far too drab for me.

In any case, last week I was all excited about something.  My mind was going a 1,000 directions while I was on my way to Marla’s house.  For some reason, instead of going the way I usually go I decided to go through a parking lot & what do you know, there was a ditch covered in snow that just happened to look like a driveway.  And, of course I was stuck.  Pretty soon, Marla, her husband & a friend were digging me out & pushing me back into the road.  sheesh, what a nerd.

It doesn’t end there…

The next morning, as Marla & I were leaving for school I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed still excited about the same thing and still thinking 1,000 things.  I pull out of her driveway, (one of those big giant upside down “U” shaped driveways) and what do you know?  I just happened to be on the wrong side of the driveway marker sticks and I ended up on her lawn.  Again, stuck in the snow.

Except this time the snow was so far above my door, I was physically trapped in the car.  This time Marla’s husbands Assistant Pastor came to dig me out, and then push the car until finally Marla’s husband had to leave hospital visit (he’s a pastor) with someone with a big 4 x 4, so that they could pull my car out from the back.  Yes, people not even 14 hours later did I manage to get stuck again.

First the ditch, then the lawn.  Only me.

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