Beeping Jesus

Beeping Jesus March 26, 2009

I woke up feeling peace today about losing my pay. (see yesterday’s misery fest)  I’m not delusional, I know it’s going to be hard, but God’s peace is abounding in me, I’m okay with it.  I’m going to do all I can in the next few days but at the end of the day, I trust Him.  And if all goes well, hopefully it will be only for 2-3 months.

Now, on to funnier fare…

The hubby and I pray together for about 5-10 minutes every morning.  We tell Ran he can either join us or play quietly by us.  He does a mix of both.  If he prays it’s almost always for protection against lions which he’s deathly afraid of (which is kind of nice for us since there’s not many lions in these parts).  If he’s not praying he’s usually interuppting saying, “scuse me, Mama.  Scuse me, Mama.”

Well, today he was just sitting by us quietly.  Since we were both in a hurry Dave had set the microwave timer to go off to let us know when to wrap it up.  As we prayed, the timer started beeping and Ransom looked up and said, “Jesus?  Is that you?”

Then he touched my arm and said with glee, “Mama, I hear Jesus beeping!”  Oh my goodness, this little guy is such a hoot!

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