Guess Who?

Guess Who? November 2, 2009

Is it a bird?  Is it a plane?

IMG_8301Is it Iron Man?

IMG_8305Is it Jenga-Fett?

IMG_8304Is it just your average trick-or-treater?

IMG_8303No!  It’s none of those things…

It’s SUPER RANBOT the Robot!

He’s here to save the day!

IMG_8351I was so proud of Dave for making this mostly home-made costume for less than $10.  He got the body armor, shield, arm guards & helmet for a dollar each at the dollar store.

The helmet was actually a bucket which Dave & Ran spray painted, cut a big eye hole in, taped on a vinyl eye cover & crazy glued on top the innards of an old fire alarm which he then colored with a black Sharpie.

He bought a $2 can of red spray paint which he & Ran used to spray paint his chin guards which are actually cut up Juicy Juice cans!  They also painted the jet pack on his back which is actually an old veggie tray.

Ransom loved the whole process of a project with Daddy, and was so proud of his costume.  I could tell Dave was also relishing the opportunity to be creative & resourceful.

I know it’s a little late but…


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