My Day of Reckoning

My Day of Reckoning February 8, 2010

It’s time.

It’s time to leave my baby boy for 3 days & 2 nights. ;( I will miss both my sweet little munchkins, but there is something more difficult about leaving a cute, chubby, nursing 4 month old.

My two sweeties!
My two sweeties!

Obviously, I’m feeling better since I’m heading off to a work conference.

It’s also time to: GO CRAZY!

I am supposed to (key word: supposed) -before tonight- finish reading a book our team will discuss, read 8 applications (were doing interviews), finish a strategic plan to present, do an hour of email, an hour of conference planning, get dinner, get groceries, play with Ransom, do my hair, do my laundry, pack my clothes & get my butt to bed by 9:30 so that I won’t snooze off on the road tomorrow morning.

I all ready had to forget about that trip to the bank, cancel a student meeting & get this, I fell asleep in the middle of a meeting with Dave today! Hahaha.  I literally fell asleep typing.  ay ay ay.

Funny, isn’t it?  There’s not a shot in heck I’ll be able to do all that.  I got up at 6:30am working feverishly all day thinking I’d just pile drive through my to-do list, but then you know what happened?  The more work I did, the longer it got!

Well, I had only 5 minutes remaining in my work day & decided to use it doing what else: blogging, even if it is only about the internal craziness I feel right around InterVarsity conference times.

I’m sure it will be fine, the kids will have great times with Daddy & Grandma B & my supervisor will forgive all that I tried to get done but couldn’t! (Hopefully, eh?)

My time has come!


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