When it hurts to flush…

When it hurts to flush… August 26, 2010

…and sneeze, and open the olive jar, and pick up a 19 pound baby…

…you probably did this…


Geez, it took me sooooo long to master this flip!

Okay, fine, so that’s not me.

The truth is, I spent a lot of time rebuckling the wakeboard shoes AND sitting in water waiting for my rope to straighten out AND coaxing the water out of my nose AND willing the fear to go away…

45220_10150245773030291_644585290_14267498_1219891_nI tried.  And tried, but inevitably failed to get up on the stupid, defective wakeboard.

Sure, I spent much more time doing this…

44320_10150245773115291_644585290_14267509_2496432_n…getting water up my nose & such…

…but eventually…

44445_10150245773705291_644585290_14267532_4964940_nI got up!

(Never on the blasted wakeboard. Ugh)!

On the water ski’s I even got “fancy!”  Although this little “stunt” to steer over the wave led to my feeling I just had a colonoscopy performed.  Wow.  It’s painful.


….I did get a bit scared at times…

45035_10150245773825291_644585290_14267544_7906700_n…so I switched to much safer fare…

40237_10150245768760291_644585290_14267196_3190237_n…problem was…

44434_10150245768850291_644585290_14267207_5985126_n…once I fell off the tube, I couldn’t get back on…

I was like a freaking beached whale.

Although, my trying to get back on the tube produced the greatest laughs of our adulthood.

After my um, “girls” came out and skidded across the water at 30 mph on a particularly nasty fall I retreated to the safety of the boat.

On that particular occasion I happen to be wearing a life jacket without a top buckle, so that the “girls” came out to play more than once.

Eventually, one of my coworkers came up with a phrase for me:

“When Grace falls down, Grace falls out.”

Um, hilarious?!


We were able to coax Ransom onto the boat as well where he diligently asked every time I fell, “Where did Mama go?  Is Mama okay?”


The next day we went the peaceful route…

40773_10150245772940291_644585290_14267497_778879_n…ahhh, there’s nothing like the peacefulness of a good old Kayak ride…

40967_10150245772765291_644585290_14267482_1729455_n…now, despite Ransom’s look of disgust, he enjoyed himself! 🙂

We had such a great time last week at the InterVarsity Area Team Retreat.

I got to spend a few hours one day just lounging on the dock reading –alone–which was flipping fantastic.

Nothing in this world makes me happier during the summer than water sports even if it means it hurts to type for a few days!

Have you done anything fun this summer?  Are you packing in any last minute trips while it’s still warm?  I’m hoping to get out to South Haven one last time before the sun bids it final adeux.



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