March 11, 2002

YESTERDAY, WHEN THE WAR BEGAN: I watched the “9/11” documentary last night, and don’t have anything to say about it that other people won’t say more eloquently. But anyone who reads this site should go here right now–some intense, insightful, and necessary reflections on the attacks, by a blogger who fled the WTC after the first plane hit. All of it is good, and each post addresses a very different aspect of the attacks–political, sensory, religious, and more.

Here’s InstaPundit on September 11. Scroll up to learn when Reynolds first heard of the attacks. The post that choked me up: “SPACE.COM IS REPORTING THAT THE WTC EXPLOSION WAS VISIBLE FROM ORBIT: The story says that the crew could see the billowing smoke clouds as the station passed over the Eastern Seaboard. This seems dubious to me, but conceivable given the very clear weather.” Why? Because I imagined the crew of the orbiting space station looking down at familiar Earth, seeing the cloud of fire and dust, and knowing only, “Something bad happened at home.” Locked away from the action, unable to help or even to figure out what had gone wrong, desperate for information–like most of us, the lucky ones, that day.

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