May 27, 2002

Why are there so many blogs about rainbows

And what’s on the other side?

Rainbows are visions–but only illusions–

And rainbows have nothing to hide.

I’ve watched it too many times to ignore it–

It’s something that I’m s’posed to blog…

(I seriously hate that song–and I don’t care for the relativist, hippie movie it’s stuck in either–but it’s in my head and won’t come out, so I’m inflicting it on all of you. Grrr!!! –If you want a Muppet movie, rent the fantastic “Great Muppet Caper.” “Pig. Climbing up the outside of the house.”)

Tim Blair: A must-read post on euthanasia. (Link via Amy Welborn.)

Mark Byron: By far the most sensible post about teen sex.

Cacciaguida: New blog on the block. “Catholicism. Conservatism. Law. The Middle Ages. Opera.” Current posts talk sense about Philip Jenkins and judicial confirmations (uh, those are different posts, thank goodness).

Dappled Things: If I haven’t mentioned this site before, I apologize. Very very cool stuff from a priest. Here, have an excellent quotation from Richard Rodriguez’s autobiography; there’s another one right above it. And his homily-summaries are just awesome.

Don’t Be A Shamed: Why Denzel doesn’t kiss white chicks; When Property Valuation Administrators Attack!!! (this is a must-read if you want to see politics at its worst–what a freakshow…).

The Edge of England’s Sword: There is no future in England’s dreaming–not if they keep on like this, at any rate. Anything that can drive Iain Murray to caps-lock and ?!?! is probably no good.

The Marriage Movement has a blog! This really rocks. Stats, news, and views on one of the most important domestic issues facing us today: the meaning of marriage.

Steve Mattson: There’s so much really good stuff at this blog (the junior seminarian of St. Blog’s Parish) that I’m not going to bother linking individual posts. Basically, if you want an inside-the-seminary view of the Crisis, click here.

Josh Mercer, of Register fame, has a blog!

Emmanuelle Richard: The porn business is not as big as they tell you–gullible journalists get snookered by lying porn kings. Very good article.

Sursum Corda: Lady priests mailbag; and an excellent post on marriage. Re lady priests, let me post a chunk of an email I sent Nixon in response to a very thoughtful one he sent me: “I think I prob. came across as more ‘hard-charging orthodoxy police’ than I intended in that post–I really did mean, Here are some questions, and I wonder what you think about them. With several of them (like the boundary-setting q.) I posed the question b/c I wasn’t sure how I would answer, and figured, who better to push me than you? I see now that I sounded like I had a ready-made answer in mind, which actually wasn’t true at all. Pretty much everything in your email I agreed with. I do think that you will likely eventually find the Church’s stance on lady priests more of a fruitful challenge than a stark weird refusal; but that’s b/c I do think I’ve learned about gender and metaphor because the Church made me learn. (And believe you me, I don’t think the Church’s position leaves me inferior or disempowered!)” Orthodoxy is sweet and necessary–but I do think my tone was off, and made my questions to Nixon sound self-righteous rather than sincere. That wasn’t my intention.

Matthew Yglesias: Yet more on “American Jihad.” Just click here and scroll down.

Zorak (of E-Pression) tells us a little about our favorite embittered mantis. Nifty. I may be adding some of those books to the reading list.

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