May 2, 2002

Here she comes, you better watch your blogs,

She’s going to break your heart in two, it’s true…

Ted Barlow: Page pot party.

Don’t Be A Shamed: Baby-selling in modern America. Shamed’s overlooking the reasons the adoption-agency payments exist, though. You may not like a free market in kids, but the government has been doing a terrible job with adoption, entangling children in red tape. The adoption agencies are paid to cut through that tape.

Sursum Corda: A moving story about the good that unions do. Despite everything I say about ’em on this site, I would never deny that some unions even today are doing good work. But the most powerful ones–from AFSCME to the NEA and beyond–are just abysmal. They’re desperately trying to stanch a membership hemorrhage not because of management intimidation, but because they’ve become just another special interest, with little concern for their members’ wishes. Requiring someone to join a union in order to take a job is an admission that you aren’t really advocating for workers–if you were, they’d want to be in the union. The wise words from Pope John Paul II that you’ll find over at Sursum Corda should be taken to heart not just by union-skeptics like me, but by union leadership, who should get this take-home lesson: Stop being class warriors. Stop screwing the unemployed. Stop shilling for the Democratic Party. Become a part of the solution. And read Sursum Corda to get a sense of what unions are really for.

Louder Fenn has moved.

And this is cooler than a gumshoe on ice.

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