March 30, 2004


I Capture the Castle of Otranto: Bloodcurdling, gothic–but tender–coming-of-age saga.

Gone With the Wind in the Willows: Thrills, romance, voles.

Go Ask Alice in Wonderland: Teen girl becomes drug addict, takes the trip of her life.

From Russia With Love Story: James Bond discovers that the love of his life has a terminal illness. Mind your sides!

On the Road to Wigan Pier: Author meets working-class people, borrows money.

Stupid White Noise: Non-fiction polemic about the post-modern authors that are destroying America.

Snow Crashing on Cedars: Hacker uses futuristic technology to solve murder in Pacific Northwest. Jake Gyllenhaal to play lead in film version.

The Joy Luck Fight Club: Chinese American daughters and mothers bond over fist fights, family history, dim sum and bouts of anarchy

The Old Man and the Seabiscuit: The old man goes fishing. He casts his line. With a horse.


Via Bookslut.

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