June 30, 2004

Jenny, Jenny, you’re the blog for me.

You don’t watch me, but you make me so happy…

Sed Contra: Flannery O’Connor and Abu Ghraib. I haven’t read yet, but it looks both important and fascinating. Blood at the root…

The Koch Fellows of 2004 have a blog! Koch is a summer fellowship program run by the Institute on Humane Studies. It’s a highly intellectual, libertarian-leaning program that tends to draw out the best in its participants. I spoke before them last night on “the future of marriage” with Carrie Lukas of the Independent Women’s Forum and Jonathan Rauch of Jonathan Rauch fame, and it was a terrific experience. Great questions, great kids. The blog is likely to be well worth your time. (And it’s run by Yalien life form Diana Feygin, of Yale’s Finest Publication fame.)

Why haven’t I added Daniel Drezner to the blogroll? I don’t know.

The National Catholic Register on Ronald Reagan and embryo-destructive research: “For the sake of society, which faces the prospect of spending billions of dollars in health care, certain boys and girls–embryos–will have to be sacrificed.

It seems to us that there’s not much difference between that and the ideology Reagan spent his life and presidency fighting.”

And The Onion has a hilarious article, “American People Ruled Unfit to Govern.” Excerpt: “…The controversial decision, the first of its kind in the 210-year history of U.S. representative government, was, according to Justice David Souter, ‘a response to the clear, demonstrable incompetence and indifference of the current U.S. citizenry in matters concerning the operation of this nation’s government.’

“As a result of the ruling, the American people will no longer retain the power to choose their own federal, state, and local officials or vote on matters of concern to the public.”

But Randy Barnett asks the obvious question: “My question is why The Onion has Justice Scalia writing the majority opinion…. Now I have my disagreements with Justice Scalia, but a refusal to defer to the American electorate or to doubt their competence in nearly all matters is not among them.”

For a less Onionalicious take on the subject, there’s always this.


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