August 2, 2004

“SHIP COMES IN”: POISON MOON. First section of the Norse myths story. This section is very short–it’s not going to be a wildly long piece–and you should know that I have disappeared a character in the actual myths, gotten rid of her purely for authorial convenience. She’s gone. Don’t look for her. Her only important function (and it’s very important in this story) has been taken over by someone else. …I’m also 95% sure I’ve messed up the patronymics, so I’d appreciate any advice on that score.

Influences on this story, in this order: Norse myths. Maggie Gallagher. James Whale (and “Gods and Monsters”). My own personal rage against That Which Is. Um… the Pet Shop Boys. You have been warned; read at own risk.

One day soon, I will laugh right in the face of the poison moon.

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