August 2, 2004


–No scorch marks. Usually they’re linked.






–…Possible. Very… very possible.

Examined Life/John and Belle Have a Blog (“the name of the song is ‘Examined Life,’ but the song is called ‘A-Sitting on a Gate’…): Very interesting if overlong post on superheroics, “realism,” and different forms of non-realism. The stuff I like starts with the bit about the difference between subcreation and dreamworks. Via Sean Collins.

Hit & Run on the Poletown reversal: “Terrific news from Michigan: The state Supreme Court has reversed the infamous Poletown decision of 1981. In that case, the court allowed the City of Detroit to seize an entire neighborhood so GM could build a plant; it helped pave the way for the widespread eminent domain abuse of today. With County of Wayne v. Hathcock, the earlier ruling is overturned — ‘in order,’ the court writes, ‘to vindicate our constitution, protect the people’s property rights and preserve the legitimacy of the judicial branch as the expositor, not creator, of fundamental law.’

“That comes too late for the people of Poletown, where over 1000 homes, over 600 businesses, and a vibrant community were destroyed. But it sets an important precedent for the future.

“The Institute for Justice has more about the case here. You can read the court’s decision here.”

Plus more on the case here from How Appealing.

Iraq’s Johnnie Cochran“–fascinating look inside the Iraqi legal system. I forget where I got this.

And via Dave Tepper, a terrific piece on Christian paradox and “Donnie Darko.” Wow. Excellent stuff–I have now been convinced out of my cynical view that this movie is not as meaning-laden as it appears. I am still seeking links on a) the political references and what they do for the movie, and b) what Jim Cunningham’s role in the end of the movie “says,” philosophically/theologically.

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