Justification for being Gay

Justification for being Gay November 5, 2006

Why has the "Faithful community" here tried so hard to justify homosexuality? You make claims that the Bible will only condem that which is forced but not that which is consensual and "loving". This is just plain rubbish. Where else do you want to see lines blured for the sake of being politically correct? Guess what fokes, the Bible isn't politically correct. It calls sin, sin. The Bible can be our only guide to that which is true. Feelings cannot be wholy relied upon for our source of truth.

I would challenge you all who would argue that homosexuality  is not sin to search out the scriptures and enlighten us as to the truths you find. Both OT sources and NT alike. Dont bother with such silly comments like God wont judge gays because He will. Thank you all for your input.

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