Political Intolerance

Political Intolerance November 21, 2007

 It occurs to me that in our country we no longer tolerate animosity towards others based on their race, gender, religion, and a score of other issues.  But for some reason, we not only allow POLITICAL INTOLERANCE we promote it on National television.


Have you ever noticed that for some reason conservative pundits believe it is acceptable to talk over anyone and everyone who has a different opinion?  I have watched a variety of different shows on different channels. One thing I noticed that really stood out.  Whenever, you have 2 or more people of opposing political opinions, the conservatives have a definite tendency to interrupt and talk over people who disagree with them.  If someone dares to interrupt them while they are talking, ever notice, they just talk LOUDER!  And if that doesn't work, they start the proverbial name calling. 


The interesting point though is that some name calling is allowed but others aren't.  Now I grew up during a time when manners mattered.  I grew up in a time when interrupting other people was considered to be very rude.  And you definitely didn't call other people names especially those that were different.  Not today!


Today we have programming attempting to pass itself off as News when in essence it's nothing but propaganda for right wing intolerance of others that dare to be different or disagree with them.  There are plenty examples of this.  I will not glorify their actions by mentioning their names or their networks.  We all know who these people are. 


Both sides are guilty.  The right is just louder and more flamboyant. The left tends to just poke fun at the right treating those that believe in GOD as ignorant idiots.  And what has been the result of all this political intolerance?  A line from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet comes to mind: "All are punished.  ALL are punished!"


This past week, Prince Phillip addressed his 60 year marriage to Queen Elizabeth.  When asked what he believed to be the key to their successful marriage, he used one word.  TOLERANCE!


This country was formed on that one word – Tolerance.  Tolerance for other's right to speak out, tolerance for different religious beliefs, tolerance for basic human rights.  Somehow, some way, we have lost this tolerance at least when it comes to politics. 


Looking back, it appears that this political intolerance has been growing since Nixon left office in 1974.  It got particularly bad in the 90's.  But it has grown rampant since GW Bush has taken office.  Ironically, GW Bush campaigned on being the great UNITER – just another one of his lies to grab control of power.


Once the GOP Bushies took over the Federal gov't' in 2001, the political intolerance blazed like a wildfire out of control.  The GOP majority totally disregarded the opinions of anyone who dared to disagree.  And they had their methods for dealing with any of their own that might stray. 


The Dems have not been much better since regaining the majority.  The problem is that neither side is willing to compromise for the good of the nation.  Perhaps because they have become so deeply entrenched in this political intolerance. 


Do we still live in a country where differences of opinion are allowed? Or do we bury our heads in the sand while our country deteriorates into a 21st century version of George Orwell's 1984 complete with disinformation and double speak.


Christ taught about intolerance in many fashions.  One of the most famous stories about intolerance was the story of Matthew, the tax collector.  Jesus went to Matthew's home despite being told that Matthew was a sinner and by eating with him, Jesus would be defiled.  Jesus made it clear to Peter and his apostles that our heavenly father loves everyone regardless of the color of their skin or their political persuasion.  


There is always more than one way to skin a cat.  In most cases, there is not just one right way.  But if this is to be a country of the people, for the people and by the people then we must get past these hateful intolerant political actions and rhetoric.  I believe part of the apathy of the American Electorate is due to this hateful political rhetoric. 


It's one thing to stand up for what is right.  It's one thing to attack your opponent's voting record as long as it is truthful.  But it is not okay to attack a person just because they don't believe in the same things you do.  It is not okay for the right.  It is not okay for the left. 


It is not okay for regular people to be intolerant.  So, why is there a double standard for pundits and politicians?  I believe part of the American people's apathy about politics is simply they are just plain tired of the hateful political intolerance and rhetoric that they are witnessed to on our televisions, in our news, and throughout the Internet. 


It has been proven that people become insensitive when overwhelmed with too much of any single thing.  Perhaps we are losing our country because we have become desensitized to this political intolerance.  But that still doesn't make it right.


Happy Thanksgiving!  Please visit the faces of the fallen in Iraq & Afghanistan at www.iraqmemorialquilt.com


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