Manipulation by CNN Reaching Astonishing Levels

Manipulation by CNN Reaching Astonishing Levels February 2, 2008

CNN is at it again with most of their commentators praising Senator Clinton no matter how she does in the debates. More importantly, the last several days they have had stories front and center on their website highlighting abuses of women.

The Clintons have shifted from the race card to the gender card. The other day it was about a story about gang rape of a woman. The next day is a story about mentally disabled women being used as bombers. Front and center today they have “Slain Pregnant Marine Laid to Rest With Unborn Child.”

The behind the scenes manipulation being done for the Clintons is evident to a sea of Senator Obama’s supporters. We’re never going to forget this and come November, you will see the result if Senator Clinton is the nominee!

Other evidence that Senator Clinton has flipped from playing the race card to the gender card is a statement by NOW ( The National Organization for Women) that skewers Senator Kennedy for supporting Barack, making such radical statements like “ he betrayed them.”

Anyone who turns a blind eye to this, would in a sense be enablers of it. It isn’t just a few people who think the Clinton’s played the race card, but it’s a widely held belief. Now the Clintons are at it again with trying to make this about gender.

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